Hand Pulling
Picture from:  http://www.fs.fed.us/r6/olympic/recreation-nu/olympicpartnerships-nurockymountainelk_2.shtml

It is important to always wear gloves and long sleeves when hand pulling weeds. Hand pulling is very effective for spotted knapweed (and other shallow tap rooted plants) because you can pull out the whole root.
    It is not as effective, though, for leafy spurge (and other deep rooted and lateral rooted plants) because it has an extensive root system.
    Make sure that when you pull weeds you leave them in the same area to dry out. Then put them in a sturdy plastic bag and despose of them on a land fill to prevent the spread of seeds.
    Hand pulling is very labor-intensive, so it should only be used on small infestations. Pulling is most effective in the spring before the weeds have an extensive root system.  Pull when the soil is moist.

Bibliography :
Breitenfeldt, Todd. High School Biology Teacher, Whitehall High, Whitehall, MT 59759.  406-287-3862. Personal Interview. 2/4/08.

Creatures Country. "Noxious Weed Management". Creatures Country. 2007. Creatures Country. 2/6/08. [http://www.feednfarm.com/weedhome.html].

By: Anna and Amy 2/14/08.

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