Rush skeletonweed (Chondrilla juncea) Chemical Control
Description of Plant:

Rush skeletonweed is a perennial which grows from 1 to 4 feet tall.  The stems usually has down warily bent coarse hairs with smooth stem above that.  The leaves on the plant are shared toothed.  Flowering occurs form mid July through the frost.  Rush skeletonweed was introduced from Eurasia.  It is usually found near roadsides.  Rush skeletonweed is a difficult weed to control because of the extensive deep root system.

Useful Herbicides:
Gramoxone, Gramoxone PDQ,

Herbicide Brand  How to Apply  When to Apply 
Gramoxone To apply use ground equipment only. Do not us sprayers or any kind of blowers. Apply soon after weeds emerge from the ground.
Gramoxone PDQ To apply use ground equipment only. Do not us sprayers or any kind of blowers and do not apply by plane. Apply soon after or before you seed your fields. But prior to plants emerging from the ground.

Further Information About These Herbicides:
Herbicide Brand Active Ingredient Mode of Action
Gramoxone  Lexone, Lorox, Patoran, Sencor and 2,4-D. It kills it by all leaf and stem surfaces when they suck up the liquid and then that interferes with photosynthesis.
Gramoxone PDQ Liquid; paraquat and diquat  It kills it by all leaf and stem surfaces when they suck up the liquid and then that interferes with photosynthesis.

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By: Ryan Hunt and Naomi Olind                    1/28/03