Agapeta Insects and Tents
Spotted knapweed Agapeta - 1994.
Spotted knapweed Agapeta tent site preparations - 1994.
Setting up the Agapeta tent - 1993.
Agapeta Tent - 1993. Rearing tent where we released the
first insects. Had eight tents to start with then moved four
tents each year after two years of start up. Raised enough
insects each year to start four new sites.
Summer Time Help. Weed eating around an Agapeta tent
to keep spider and mouse problems down. Mice eat the
cocoons and spiders kill the larvae.
Photos from:
Carbon Co. Weed District
Box 255
Joliet, MT 59041
Page created by: Anna Marx and Justin Stratton. 5/15/02
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