Alien Invasion
Noxious Weed Curriculum - Work Shop Photos
2/06 - Page under construction,
photos and info will be added soon.
Photos Weed Costume
Photos Group Photos
Curriculum Happenings
This was the first of many
workshops teaching teachers how to use the
Invasion Noxious Weed Curriculum developed by a dedicated
group of BLM employees and others. This group of teachers will
test drive the curriculum and work out any of the "bugs" as they use it
with their students.
This is the core group of
curriculum creators, presenters and teachers at the work shop in Bend,
Oregon January, 2006.
Standing from left to right: Wes Pyne, Jeremy Whitman, Sue Thomas, Toni
Fairchild, Sally White, Jim Grano, Terri Grimm, Katie Plato, Julie
Schreck, Stevie Ruda, Lesley Richman, Teresa Kiely, Jean Garner, Susan
Kneeling left to right: Todd
Breitenfeldt, Jared Larson, Dan Sherwin, Bob Budesa, Erin
McConnell. Not pictured: Julie

Here are the presenters in their weedy outfits! What
Funnnnn! (Can weeds be fun? Yes!). HOME
These photos are all resized to
100 dpi. The original 230 dpi versions are available by e-mailing
Todd at: