Aphthona czwalinae
Chrysomdidae: Coleoptera,
beetle, flea beetle (1-3)
Biological Weed Control
Links Photos: Apthona
sp. Larva
Photo by Bob Richard, USDA-APHIS-PPQ.
Common Name: Black leafy spurge flea beetle (2,3)
Origin: The original source of this species is in
Europe around Hungary. It's found in Eastern to central
Europe, central Asia, Eastern Siberia, and in limited cases,
Eastern Austria and Northwestern Hungary. (2,3)
Life Cycle:
Egg Stage: The eggs are inserted into the soil next
to leafy spurge stems. This usually is done during June and
July. The eggs are oval, look yellow in color, and measure
about .7 by .4 millimeters. The eggs will hatch in about
16-17 days.
Larval Stage: The larval stage has three
instars. The larvae are thin and white except for the head
that is brown. They start eating the leafy spurge by digging
themselves into the ground and feeding on the roots. They do
this until cold soil temperatures come in the late fall.
Pupa Stage: They then spend time in a soil cell in
the ground during the pupa stage. The time spent in the soil
cell is usually from late spring to early summer. From mid
June to July, the adults come out of their soil cells and can be
found on the leafy spurge plants above the ground.
Adult Stage: Adults are beetles that are black and
have a yellowish color on their legs (upper and middle), while the
back legs are all black. Males measure 2.9 mm in length, and
females are 3.1 mm. (1-3).
Type of Damage: The adults and the larvae are the
stages in which damage is done to the leafy spurge. The
adults eat the leaves and flowers. They create holes in the
foliage that reduces photosynthesis and sugar (food for the plant)
that goes to the roots. The larvae eat the root hairs which
reduces the amount of moisture taken in by the roots. The larvae
do the most damage to the plant. (2,3) The species which
czwalinae attack is the species
Euphorbia esula and
some other types of leafy spurge. They do not feed on
pulcherrima or any other native (North American) plants. (1)
Host Impact: Modest feeding on the leafy spurge can
reduce the height it grows to and make the flowering period
later. Concentrated feeding can decrease stem density,
lessen their height or kill the plant. (2,3)
Release Habitat: Habitat needed for this species are
moist areas with high humidity and areas with vegetation, that is
fertile. It can also be in areas with dry summers in a
Mediterranean climate and sun exposed sites of sand or rock.
Habitat bad for this species is compact clay soil, and sites with
many ants in the area. (2,3)
Collection, Transportation, and Redistribution:
Collect the adult beetles using sweep nets when they are out on
the plants during June and July. They can stand several days
with fresh leaves or longer periods under cool conditions.
With longer periods you should allow them to feed on leafy spurge
foliage in warmth and exercise sometimes in order to transport
them. Keeping them inside during the winter or during colder
temperatures can be done as long as you leave them fresh leafy
spurge leaves. Over a long time however, transportation can lessen
the egg distribution the insects will leave in the soil. To
release the insects simple sprinkle them from jars on leafy spurge
leaves, or swing your arm with the container open to let them
out. Use this method to distribute to other sites of leafy
spurge infestation after the original control site has been
established. They like to stay together, so do not spread one
release out very far (10 meters or less). (2,3)
Purchase: In a lot of states biological control sites
Aphthona czwalinae and
Aphthona lacertosa
already exist, and you can get these insects from the state weed
management agencies, or in Montana they can be purchased from the
Biological Control of Weeds, Inc.
. (1).
Remarks: This species usually assemble together for mating,
egg laying, and eating by using chemical scent signals called
pheromones. The other flea beetles that eat of leafy spurge
usually do the same behavior. There are only two black flea
beetles allowed in the U.S., and this is one of them. (2,3)
sp. Larva
fact sheets
1) Hansen, Rich.
Aphthona czwalinae. [Online]
13, 1999.
2) Unknown author,
Aphthona czwalinae.
[Online] Available.
http://users.aol.com/prideedu/czwalina.html, August 13,1999.
3) Unknown author,
Aphthona czwalinae.
[Online] Available:
http://www.mcn.net/~rosebudweed/black.html, August 13, 1999.
By: Neal
Published By: Will
Updated by: Trista Zink 3/17/05.
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