Cultural Control of St.  Johnswort

Sheep: Grazing does not work because the St Johnwort has a bad effect on the animals.  Like it makes them more sensitive to light and also can cause liver problems, weight lose among there things. 2

Goats: Grazing does not work because the St Johnwort has a bad effect on the animals.  Like it makes them more sensitive to light and also can cause liver problems, weight lose among there things. 2

Tilling (Plowing): Tilling may work but because of the strong root St.  Johnswort has you have to make sure to get all of the roots or it will not be effective. 1

Hand Pulling: As I said above you have to be sure to get the roots or it will not be a effective way to get rid of it {St. John wort}. 2

Controlled Burning: Controlled Burning: If you want to burn it first you have to pull up all the roots then burn or it will not be effective way. 1

Summary: As you can see from above there is about only two way to get rid of St. Johnswort Culturally. The first is use the latter beetle. The other way is to get rid of the roots. St. Johns wort has a strong root system and the fact that animals are so effected by this weed it is very hard to get rid of unless  you get rid of the roots first. It is easier to get rid or this nasty weed is if it is detected early before too much spreading. One thing to keep in mind is that is also hard to control St. Johnswort chemically. So my advice to you is to get it before it gets you.

1. Elpel, Thomas J., Hypericum perforatum:--St. Johnswort, Online [Available]:

2. Krueger, Jane,  St. John's wort, Online [Available]:

By: Danielle Barnosky     3/7/02.

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