Dasineura sp. nr. capsulae; no common name, Diptera: Cecidomyiidae
Dasineura sp. nr. capsulae (http://www.hysham.com/rosebudweed/noname.htm)Photo by: http://www.hysham.com/rosebudweed/noname.htm
rigin:  Italy

Type of Agent: Insect (fly, gall midge)

Life Cycle
    Egg:    Eggs are laid within twenty four hours of the mating.  They are laid in the flower clusters in-between the bracts and the clusters in groups of 35. The incubation period is three to five days.  The females usually lay about 89 eggs.  The eggs are white, lengthened ( 0.27 mm or 0.01 in) , and have curved ends. The shell of the eggs are smooth and

    Larva:  The larvae are in the inner part of the flower clusters and bracts.  The galls begin to form inside the cyathuim (
An inflorescence consisting of a cup like cluster of modified leaves enclosing a female flower and several male flowers, as in the poinsettia).  It is about five weeks before they leave the gall for the soil, where they hibernate until the spring.
    Pupa:   The pupas are usually formed in early April.  The pupil stage lasts two to four days. They are about 2 mm (0.08 in). They are light brown with reddish brown wings and legs.

    Adult:   Adults emerge between mid April and midday.  They mate a short time after they surface. The females live about three days, but the males only live about 2.4 days.  They have redish-yellow bodies with brown hardened parts.  The females are 2.3 mm (0.09 in) long and about 0.4 mm (0.02 in) wide.  The male is 1.7 mm (0.07 in) long and 0.02 mm (0.001 in) wide.

    Distructive stage: Larva

    Plant Species attacked: 
Leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula complex)

    Site Of Attack:  The inner part of the bracts that cover the
cyathuim or develop inside the cyathuim.  They are usually in the distorted or enlarged if there is a gall in the cyathuim.

    Damage to Host:  They attack the seed producing part of the plant.

    Released in the United States: not yet released in U.S.

    Now Established In:  Not yet established


    Availability:  Not available

    How to Collect:  Collect all the galls that have mature larvae and/or pupa.  Put the galls in a plastic bag and put them in the refrigerator at 8 degrees C (38 degrees F) to force the larvae to leave the gall. Then place the larvae in
mixture of sphagnum moss and sand.  You can keep it in cool storage to mimic winter conditions. The adults should be released in early morning or late evenings (calm days).  They mate on those few days they live.

By: S. Richards 2/2005. 

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