Buckthorn Rhombus cathartica Description:
European Buckthorn is a bushy small tree or a several
shrub. It is a perennial reproducing by seeds. The branches
that are
older than a year normally have a sharp thorn. (4)
Growth Habit: Bushy
small tree
or many stemmed shrub up to
20 feet high. Second year branches have thorns. (4)
Leaves: The leaves are
and might be arranged alternately or appositely on the branch. (4)
Stems: It's stems have a rough grayish
brown bark and have single thorns on the end of the stem. (2)
Flower: Flowers are
small with
four sepals
and four pedals. Colors ranges from
green to yellow.(4)
Roots: European
Buckthorn roots are not very strong, so you can pull them when they
are young. Their roots eventually look like a trees. The
roots don't grow deep. (2)
Many different
birds like to eat the fruits of the plant and that helps spread the
seeds. (3)
Other Common Names: Common
Buckthorn, nerprun purgative, and nerprun cathartic are some other
common names for European Buckthorn. (1)
Habitat and Range: European
Buckthorn can survive drought so it can do well in dry climates. (3)
It's found in forests, woodland edges, prairies, fencerows, and old
fields. European Buckthorn is mostly in the mid-west. (5)
John J. Moriarty. The
Trouble with Backyard Buckthorn. 2006. Minnesota Department of
Natural Resources. Feb. 13, 2006,
Gary Fewless. Invasive
Plants of Wisconsin. 2006.
University of Wisconsin-Green Bay. Feb. 13, 2006,
3) Peter M. Dziuk. Buckthorn and its Control.
1998. Minnesota Department of Agriculture. Feb. 20, 2006,
5) Ohio Department of Natural Resources. Ohio's Invasive Non-Native Plants.
Nov. 9, 2005. Ohio Department of Natural Resources. Feb. 20,
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