with an Attitude
Control of Weeds and Insectary Development Institute
WHEN: June
26-28, 2007 [Tue. - Thur.]
WHERE: Reno, NV.
WHAT: A class for
teachers, weed fighters, other educators, group leaders, and others
interested in starting a biological weed control program in their area.
Introduce your students to real
life problems AND solutions. Be part of the
Class is free, but send in your
registration ASAP. Space is limited. Please notify us of
by June 9th. To receive a class brochure/registration form please
email Linda Reis at: laries@fs.fed.us.

Flea beetles (Aphthona sp.) killing the
noxious weed leafy


A spotted knapweed plant dying because a root boring weevil (Cyphocleonus achates) larva is feeding on the root. Note
the many dead knapweed stems on the ground and the native plants
starting to come back.

flea beetle adults

will be a registration from to fill out (you may copy and past the
below text into an email to Linda), here is the info
you will need to know:
POSITION: (grade level, courses taught)
You will be asked to check if you want continuing education credit for
class, or not. Cost: $130
for 1 credit. Bio 491.
You will be asked if you are interested in
a scholarship for travel
and lodging costs.
To apply for this scholarship, please
mail or email us a short
explanation of how you plan to integrate this into your
classroom/curriculum/group/area or extracurricular activities.
Due by May 25th!!
You will also be asked to list
your goals for taking this course which should include:
-Integration material into my present
-Planning field trips with my students.
-Helps to introduce insects on noxious
-Plans to develop a local insectary on
school grounds or other location.
To receive a class brochure/registration
form please email Linda Reis at: laries@fs.fed.us.
Utah, Nevada, Idaho, Wyoming, North Dakota, and
Montana are seeing
escalating threats from invasive and noxious weeds. Some of the
are species that are new to the state- others are problem weeds
continue to spread across the state on both private and public
lands. Biological control, or the use of a non-native species as
it would in its natural habitat, is a primary component of
an integrated weed management approach to control the spread of these
In Montana, teachers and students from Whitehall
High School have been working to slow the spread of noxious weeds by
using biocontrol. Their model project (see: http://mtwow.org) includes
insect collection, rearing biocontrol insects, and then releasing and
monitoring these insects. The biological control agents
identified for
this class have been tested extensively prior to introduction into the
United States to make sure their introduction will not harm native
Because noxious weeds threaten native plant
communities as well as wildlife, recreation, and healthy watersheds,
the impacts from noxious weeds affect all of us, not
just those with agricultural interests. Biocontrol is one tool
that can
be quite effective without creating the impacts that widespread use of
herbicide alone may cause.
This biocontrol class
will provide information about invasive weed ID, available biocontrol
agents (mostly insects), and present methods for rearing, collecting,
and releasing biocontrol agents. You will also learn how to use
GPS/GIS to map release sites for monitoring purposes.
You will have the opportunity to spend some time in
the field observing and collecting insects. A noxious weed
curriculum, correlated to national resources to help you start your own
program at your school will be presented.
You will be informed about local networks, funding
opportunities, and contacts that can help you with logistics, such as
insectary development, and offered expertise in local specific weeds
biocontrol agents.
Todd Breitenfeldt, Whitehall HS science teacher,
Whitehall Project
Mike Battaiola, Whitehall HS/MS art/ history teacher,
Whitehall Project
Joey Milan, Idaho BLM/ Idaho Dept. of Ag Carol
Randall, US Forest Service.
Idaho Department of Agriculture, Idaho BLM, USDA Forest
To receive a class brochure/registration
form please email Linda Reis at: laries@fs.fed.us.
mtwow.org HOME