Biological control of St. Johnswort:
Agrilus hyperici

  1. Agrilus hyperici
  2. St. John's wort beetle - biocontrol
  3. Agrilus hyperici
  4. St. Johnswort biocontrol
  5. St. Johnswort - Montana State University
  6. Common St. Johnswort
  7. St. John's Wort control
  8. Agrilus hyperici (Creutzer)
  9. St.John's Wort Beetle
  10. Updated list

Aplocera plagiata
  1. St. Johnswort biocontrol
  2. St. Johnswort - Montana State University
  3. Common St. Johnswort
  4. St. John's Wort control
  5. Aplocera
  6. Aplocera plagiata
  7. St. Johnswort Inchworm
  8. Lynn Scott's Aplocera plagiata image
  9. Treble-Bar
  10. Aplocera plagiata - Triple raie

Chrysolina hyperici
  1. St. Johnswort biocontrol
  2. St. Johnswort - Montana State University
  3. Common St. Johnswort
  4. St. John's Wort control
  5.  ITIS Standard Report
  6. Chrysolina hyperici
  7. Chrysolina hyperici photo gallery
  8. BioImages
  9. St. Johnswort Beetle
  10. Leaf Beetle

Chrysolina quadrigemina
  1. St. Johnswort biocontrol
  2. St. Johnswort - Montana State University
  3. Hypericum perforatum
  4. Common St. Johnswort
  5. St. John's Wort control
  6. St. Johnswort Beetle
  7. Defoliating Beetle
  8. Chrysolina quadrigemina
  9. Chrysolina quadrigemina
  10. Annual report

Zeuxidiplosis giardi
  1. St. Johnswort biocontrol
  2. St. Johnswort - Montana State University
  3. Common St. Johnswort
  4. St. John's Wort control
  5. Annual report
  6. Zeuxidiplosis giardi
  7. Weed controls
  8.  St. JOhn's Wort Midge
  9. Weed roundup
  10. Calif Biocontrol

By Emiy 4/19
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