Biological Control of Canada Thistle:
Ceutorhynchus litura

  1. Ceutorhynchus litura  
  2. Canada Thistle Insects
  3. Number of weeds and bioagents
  4. Info and Description  
  5. Canada Thistle
  6. Cirsium arvense--Canada Thistle
  7. Canadian Thistle Beetle
  8. Decriptiono and life Cycle
  9. Information and Definitions
  10. Biological Control Agents for Utah Weeds

Larinus planus
  1. Biological Control of Thistle
  2. Canada Thistle
  3. Larinus planus
  4. Canada Thistle Insects
  5. Larinus planus
  6. Unexpected effects
  7. Exotic weeds biocontrol
  8. Images
  9. Canadian Thistle Bud Weevel
  10. Biocontrol Agents

Urophora cardui
  1. Biological Control of Thistle
  2. Canada Thistle
  3. Exotic weeds biocontrol
  4. Urophora cardui
  5. Galls image - caused by Urophora cardui
  6. Release into Montana
  7. Urophora cardui
  8. BioImages
  9. Stem Gall Fly
  10. Images

By Trent Pietsch. Updated by: Emily 4/19/04.  Updated by: Joey Z. 3/2007.
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