Biological Control of: spotted knapweed (Centaurea maculosa) and diffuse knapweed (Centaurea diffusa):

Agapeta zoegana
  1.  Cornell
  2.  MTwow
  3.  Agapeta zoegana
  4.  Ceris
  5.  Pictures
  6.  Knapweed Weed Control from Integrated Weed Control - Comm. Site.
  7.  Pheromones of Agapeta
  8.   Forestry Images
  9.   Bio Images
  10.  Detailed Pictures

Bangasternus fausti
  1. Bangasternus fausti - Cornell University
  2. Noxious Weed IVM Guide - Knapweed
  3. purdue
  4. MTwow
  5. Forestry Images
  6. Invasive
  7. Broad Nosed Knapweed
  8. Insect Images
  9. Number of Weeds & Bioagents
  10. Information On Spotted Knapweed

Chaetorellia acrolophi
  1. Chaetorellia acrolophi - Cornell University
  2. Invasive
  3. Knapweek Peacock
  4. Family Tephritidae
  5. MTwow
  6. PNW Weed Management Handbook
  7. Fruit Fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) Introduced Species
  9. purdue
  10. oregon

Cyphocleonus achates
  1. MTwow
  2. knapweed root weevil knapweed root weevil knapweed root weevil knapweed root weevil
  3. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)
  4. Stevens County Noxious Weed Control Board
  5. Cyphocleonus achates
  6. spotted knapweed root boring weevil.
  7. Federal
  8. Ceris
  9. Detailed Pictures
  10. Cornell

Larinus minutus
  1. Larinus minutus - Cornell University
  2. MTwow
  3. Lesser Knapweed Flower Weevel
  4. Invasive
  5. Weed chart
  6. Stevens
  7. Canada
  8. Oregon
  9. Cat
  10. Invasive

Larinus obtusus
  1. MTwow
  2. Cornell
  3. Invasive
  4. purdue
  5. invasive
  6. Pictures
  7. Forestry Images
  8. Insect Images
  9. Ceris Search Results
  10. oregon

Metzneria paucipunctella
  1.  Cornell
  2. Army
  3. forestry
  4. stevens
  5. wow
  6. purdue
  7. Zipcode Zoo
  8. Canada
  9. Zeller
  10. Cat

Pelochrista medullana
  1. Cornell
  2. MTwow
  3. Invasive
  4. Forestry Images
  5. purdue
  6. info
  7. zipcode zoo
  8. images
  9. purdue
  10. Invasive 2

Pterolonche inspersa
  1. Cornell
  2. Gray-Winged Root Moth
  3. Pictures
  4. Invasive
  5. Insect Images
  6. Lepidoptera: Pterolonchidae
  7. MTwow
  8. purdue
  9. Springer link
  10. Cananda

Sphenoptera jugoslavica
  1. Cornell
  3. Pictures
  4. MTwow
  5. Invasive
  6. Stevens
  7. purdue
  8. invasive 2
  10. Zipcode Zoo

Terellia virens
  1. Cornell
  2. purdue
  3. invasive 2
  4. Forestry Images
  5. MTwow
  6. Diptera: Tephritidae
  7. Invasive
  8. Cat
  9. oregon
  10. springerlink

Urophora affinis
  1. Urophora affinis - Cornell University
  2. wow
  3. ingenta
  4. purdue
  5. Canada
  6. invasive
  7. invasive 2
  8. Zipcode Zoo
  9. Cat
  10. wikimedia

Urophora quadrifasciata
  1. Urophora quadrifasciata - Cornell University
  2. invasive
  3. zipcode zoo
  4. black well
  5. springerlink
  6. esa
  7. erdc
  8. cat
  9. ATP
  10. wow

By Emily 4/19/04. Updated by Jake Hockenberry 2/9/05. Updated by Matt Wideman and Ian Smith on the First of March of 2007

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