diffuse knapweed  (Centaurea diffusa (Lam.) )  Chemical Control

GROWTH HABIT: Annual or biennial, bushy, up to 2 ft., tall. Rosette formed first year, flowering stalk elongates second year.

 LEAVES: Greyish-green, alternate, basal leaves whorled, upper leaves much reduced.  Covered with fine hair.

 STEM: Hairy, erect, single main stem from a rootstock, branched near or above the base.

 FLOWER: Solitary, usually white, sometimes pink, rose or lavender; seedhead bracts end as sharp, rigid spines.

 ROOTS: Elongated taproot.

 SEEDS: Oblong, dark brown or grey with longitudinal lines.

Herbicide Brand How to Apply When to Apply Comments
2,4-D spray in late fall or early spring do not let dairy animals graze within 7 days of application
Tordon  spray when perennial weeds have fully developed, green leaves rain within 6 hours of application may cause poor results
Curtail  spray 1 to 4 leaf stage within 6 hours will reduce control
Further information about these herbicides:
Herbicide Brand Active Ingredient Mode of Action Comments
2,4-D MCPA systemic abnormal growth in 2-10 days
Tordon  peloram systemic works with cell division, causing leaf cupping, and eventual death
Arsenal  imazapyr
Curtail  premix systemic abnormal growth in 2-10 days
Stinger  clopyralid

By: Nichole Near     May 25, 2002
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