Accelerator Views

Easy to make flea beetle accelerator for separating flea beetles from
most of the other sweepings.

Top views of an accelerator showing lid, funnel plastic bowl painted
black, and top opened.

Looking down into the separation chamber with all the sweepings dumped
in it. Note the mix of flea beetles, spiders, other insects,
spurge hawk moth larvae and plant parts.

Three different accelerators in photo. We turn them on their
sides to allow more flea beetles to hop through the screen and into the
funnel chamber.

Looking down into the separation chamber with all the sweepings dumped
in it. Note the mix of flea beetles, spiders, other insects,
leafy spurge hawk moth larvae and plant parts.

Shaking the beetles our of the wire mesh separation chamber.

Beetles in the jar ready to be dipped out and measured by volume.
All photos by Todd Breitenfeldt,
July 2005, near Grassrange, MT.
to Grassrange Flea Beetle Collections