Release Site Photos:
This is a release of Larinus minutus,
Left: Transport biocontrol agents (usually insects) in a cooler
with an ice pack to the release site. Do not let them sit in a hot
car or in the sun (cooked insect are only good for seasoning your sandwich
:-) ). Release them as soon as possible.
Right: Take a photo of the site from a known spot so that you can
track you future results. Mark the site with a fence post and/or
a flag. The yellow wire flag for this site is visible in the tree
in the background.
A heavily infested area of spotted knapweed caused when I-90 was
built near Cardwell and Whitehall, Montana. This site was used to
produce gravel fill for the freeway.
The release site should:
1) have a large infestation of the weed of interest,
2) be contiguous to other infestations so that the insects can spread
to new areas,
3) fit the ecological needs of the biocontrol
agent to increase chances of establishment,
4) be easy for you to get to, to monitor and collect from in the
5) be relatively undisturbed (heavily grazed, plowed, etc.) for
at least 5 (preferably 10) years with a land owner agreement in writing,
6) be well marked, photographed and mapped (the map data should
be added to Montana Noxious
Weed Survey and Mapping System) so that accurate state wide records
can be kept for current and future use.
To release the insects, simply open the container and dump them
out. Be careful not to step on or drive over too many as you exit
the site.
to Biological Control Agents, By Weed