Mineral County, Montana:

Dave Brink  -  Mineral County Weed Sup.Weed District Supervisor:
Dave Brink
P.O. Box 730
Superior, MT 59872
Ph 406-822-3547
Fx 406-822-3840

Weed District Information:
Generic information letter to landowner
Methods of weed control
Mapping guidelines
A six year Integrated Vegetation Management (IVM) Plan form
Environmental information form
Revegetation Plan form
Subdivision Weed Mgt. Clause form from Planning Board

Some County Weed  Board Members as of 2008
Alvin, Phil and Mike
Alvin, Phil and Mike, 2008 MWCA Annual Conv.

County Extension Office. . . . . .406-822-3545, 3546
301 2nd Ave East(Courthouse)                                     FAX 822-3840
P.O. Box 730                                    E-Mail: kchamberlain@montana.edu
Superior, MT  59872-0730
Agents:   Kevin Chamberlain            E-Mail: mineral@montana.edu
Admin Asst:  Sharon Patterson
                                               E-mail:  mineral@montana.edu

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