Subdivisions must comply with the Mineral County Weed Board administration of the County Noxious Weed Control Act as defined by Montana Codes Annotated 7-22-2101 through 7-22-2153 and Administrative Rules 4.5.201 through 4.5.203; specifically statutes 7-22-2115, Unlawful to permit noxious weeds to propagate; 7-22-2117, Violations; and 7-22-2152, Revegetation of rights-of-way and disturbed areas.

1. It is the responsibility of the subdivider to contact the Mineral County Weed District offices located at 301 2nd Avenue East, Superior, Montana, 59872, phone 406-822-3545; to review the weed management plan regulations, apply for approval of a site specific 6 year weed management plan and, if requested, to jointly inspect the prospective subdivision to determine necessary weed management measures.

2.  It is the responsibility of the subdivider to review the weed management plan regulations with any buyer of one or more lots in the subdivision.

3.  The initial lot purchaser and all subsequent owners are responsible for complying with State and County weed control regulations.

Subdivision Owner signature       Date

Subdivision Owner signature       Date

STATE OF MONTANA           )
                                                  (          ss.

On this      day of      , 20___, before me, the undersigned Notary Public in and for the State of Montana, personally appeared  _________________________, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that be executed the same.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my notarial seal the day and year first above written.

Notary Public of the State of Montana
Residing at ___________________________
My Commission Expires _________________

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