by Brady Murphy and Taylor
Gooch, 2/09.
Our curriculum had a goal. Our goal was to educate young fourth
graders on a serious problem, knapweed. To our surprise
these young kids knew quite a bit about knapweed. When we were
teaching we focused on the biological control of knapweed. We talked to
the kids about weevils and how they help our farms, gardens and parks.
We had them color pictures of kanpweed and weevils as part of a
coloring contest we had. We are
showing off the best of the best of the weevils and the knapweed from
the fourth grade class. We had our sophomore Molecular
Biology class vote on the top five that we selected.
Below you can see the winners of the weevil and knapweed coloring

First place in the Weevil contest was Jacob F.
More Weevil Colorings

First place in the Knapweed contest was Kyle.
More Knapweed Colorings
Cirriculum: First we created an
outline of what we were going to teach the kids. At first we
asked the kids questions such as "Do you guys know what knapweed
is?" Surprisingly many of the kids knew what knapweed was and had
many stories to share about it. When we asked the kids to name
ways to remove knapweed they said you could pull it, spray it with
chemicals, plow it, and burn it. They were very surprised when we
told them that there is an insect that can kill knapweed. We
explained to them what a weevil was and how it killed the
knapweed. They had many questions about weevils such as "how big
are they?" and "Where can you find them?" After all of the
questions about knapweed we had the kids color pictures of weevils and
knapweed. We had many good pictures along some very interesting
and colorful pictures.
Special thanks to Mrs. Dean for
letting us teach her class! We really appreciate it.
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