Trent Michael Pietsch

Birth date:
September, 2 1985
Born in: Madison, Wisconsin
Nickname:  Cuddles
Eye Color: Gray
Hair Color:  Blonde
Favorite Pop:
Vanilla Coke
Favorite Candy:  Fast Break
Most Hated Noxious Weed:
 Leafy Spurge
Favorite Biocontrol Agent:  Oberea erythrocephala
Favorite Insectary Tool:  The Hoe
Favorite Collecting Site:
 Grass Range

Tell us more!!!
        "What's up everyone?  I'm Trent and I guess I'll be telling you a little about myself.  I moved to Whitehall, Montana when I was just seven years old.  I like it here but I'm ready to leave.  My huge class of 45 students just graduated this past May and I'm preparing to take off for college at the University of Oregon in late September.  I'll be 19 at the end of summer.  I am the youngest of three brothers, one of which is a senior at MSU.
        "I really like my job here.  We do a lot of fun activities and take some exciting trips across the state and property in Jefferson and Madison Counties.  I also work for one of the most interesting individuals around.  Mr. Breitenfeldt is the brains behind the operation and keeps us busy with whatever he can find.  I look forward to working next summer." HOME         WHE summer crew HOME