WHE Summer Crew Page     
Summer 2007

Summer 2005-06

Summer 2004
    Welcome to our wonderful WHE summer crew web page!!  You can now see what really happens behind the scenes of  the WHE project.  We'll give you an in-depth look at the exciting world of biological control in Montana.  On this site we will show you what we do and how we do it.  You can also see some of the crazy things we do with our spare time!  Just click around and see what you can find!  Enjoy!!!

Am I pulling knapweed or giving the bird?
Larinus Disease!  Too much collecting! 
Trent pulling at knapweed gulch.

Crew Biographies

Janet Drake (04)
Trent Pietsch (04) Bobbi Jo Crain (04)

Mike Battaiola
Todd Breitenfeldt
Super J. McWeevil

Dorothy Sizemore (04)

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