[Updated 2/19/09]                   Current Student Projects
Topics for mtwow.org web pages and 7 page research papers for the 08-09 school year for Mr. Breitenfeldt's classes:
Yes, you can turn in your paper early!!
Name Web Page Paper Topic
Per. 1- Mol. Bio. -
Erin A.
- Art
Redo: Cultural Control:
- houndstongue
- Dalmatian toadflax

Gabe B.

Vance B.
-yellow toadflax
-meadow hawkweed,
-Aphthona flava
-Chrsolina hyperci              - with Evan

Breanna B.
Redo: Weed Prevention page.
Noxious Weed Poetry

Ashley D.
- Redo Weed ID:
- Dalmation toadflax
- dyers woad

Evan G.
Russian knapweed, [sorry, this one was already taken, pick another]
yellow toadflax, and
meadow hawkweed,
+?- with Vance

Tawnya G.
Teach class with Colleen:
Taylor G.
Teach class with Brady: Weed Prevention and the knapweed root boring weevils. 4th grade.
Colleen H.
Teach class with Tawnya:
Asheli H.
tall buttercup
+ one more

Ua I.
-Redo Eteobalea intermediella

Markie K.
common tansy
field bindweed
+ need 2 more - with Lizzie

Lizzie L.
common tansy
field bindweed
+ need 2 more - with Markie

Genny M.
-Noxious Weed Poetry
-Redo: IPM

Coty M.
- Tyta luctuosa 
- Nanophyes marmoratus
Gymnetron linariae
+? 1 more - with Ryder

Patricia M.
Update weed laws w/ Nikita
Brady M.
Teach class with Taylor: Weed Prevention and the knapweed root boring weevils. 4th grade.

Nikita N.
Update weed laws w/ Patty

Amanda R.
-Redo Eteobalea intermediella

Brittaney R.
Teach class with Cody:
Cody S.
Teach class with Brittaney:
Julia T.
- Art
Update: Cultural Control
- Common crupina &
- meadow hawkweed

Ryder W.
- Tyta luctuosa 
- Nanophyes marmoratus
Gymnetron linariae
+? 1 more                             -w/ Coty

Per 2 Astronomy/GPS
Constellations (PP)
Planets (PP)
Matt L.
Orion, Gemini
Jupitor, Neptune
Mark N.
Ursa Major, Taurus
Earth, Astroid Belt
Kyle S.
Cepheus, Leo
Mars, Pluto
Kelley W.
Hercules, Scorpious
Saturn, Venus

Period 3 Env. Bio.
Web Page Paper Topic
Jesse B.
Teach w/ Christina

Victoria H.
Redo:     -w/ Steph.
- purple loosestrife or lythrum
-yellow starthistle
Chaetorellia acrolophi
Agapeta zoegana

Marcus H.
Teach w/ Forrest [Mr. Moore]

Mason K.
- perennial pepperweed
- Eustenopus villosus

Jeremy N.
Teach w/ Cameron

Christina P.
Teach w/ Jesse

Chris S.
Teach w/ Cameron & Jeremy

Forrest Y.
Teach w/ Marcus [Mr. Moore]
Cameron C.
Teach w/ Jeremy

Steph A.
- purple loosestrife or lythrum
-yellow starthistle
Chaetorellia acrolophi
Agapeta zoegana     -W/ Victoria

Period 5 Mol. Bio.
Web Page Paper Topic
Daryn A.

Devon A.
Weed ID links (add new weeds)

Jordan C.
-Bioagent collection #'s for 2008
-Update: Russian knapweed

Bailey D.
-MWCA Fun Page, 
-Weed Fighters by MT County,
-Booths at MWCA Convention    -With Debi

Megan E.
Eurasian watermilfoil
Terellia virens

Patricia G.
-Bioagent collection #'s for 2008
-orange hawk weed
+ one more

Debra L.
-MWCA Fun Page, 
-Weed Fighters by MT County,
-Booths at MWCA Convention   -With Bailey

Colton P.
Cultural Control Page (add new weeds and redo 2)
1. field bindweed
2. whitetop                 - with Jessica

Cheyenne R.

Anthony R.
-Weed ID: tamarisk (salt ceder).
-Redo insects:
- Larinus obtusus
Bangasternus orientalis

Jessica R.
-Update: Cultural Control Page (add new weeds and redo 2)
1. field bindweed
2. whitetop           - with Colton

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